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QueenSelene self insertion new rubber vaginal dildo. Queen Selene, a legendary Goddess of Insertions is the star of the film. In her "World's Largest Pussy", she broke records by eating 6''' thick buttplugs. Her gigantic toys are "Tuna Can Jerry", All Night Toys' plugs that come in sizes XXXL. Because there is no other person who could possibly fuck this one, it is unique and exclusive to her. Start with the XXXL. Then, place it on the stool. Wait for her to align it at the base. The plug is 10" tall and 5 1/2" thick. It's too heavy for any queen of any size, and it doesn't even need to be tackled. However, Selene completely covers the plug! It doesn't require any lubricant. The pussy of hers has become so loose that it has swallowed it whole. To loosen her even more, she makes a circular motion around her pelvis and moves it over its base. This is the Legendary dimension TCJ, and it's the biggest butt plug that we've ever seen. It measures 11.25'' in height and 6.25'" thick. It will certainly stretch Selenes holes to the absolute limit. Selene takes a seat on the chair and slowly squats it to her stomach. Then, she eats until it reaches mid-size in size. Selene's enormous size means that her husband has to lift her up and push her down even further. Selene's piss is completely infected and explodes in a gush full of orgasmic fluids. In a thrilling finale, just like this massive plug could give to Selene and her large hole!

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