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LittleMissElle trying out my huge alien dildo – Release December 23, 2018 | In this video I wear my platform boots because my lil baby legs are too short to ride like this without them! I first warm up with my largest “normal” 9 inch dildo and my vibrator. Then I slowly begin stretching my pussy on my new huge alien dildo. I can barely get the head in at first but I slowly work my way down and finally I can nearly push myself to the bottom! I use my wand throughout while stretching my pussy on this huge alien cock. I ride forwards and backwards, pulling it out sometimes to show you just how much alien dick I can fit. This is a slow but intense video. Its my first time trying something so big! This dildo is bigger than my BD dildo.

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FileSize: 1.99 GB | PlayTime: 00:14:15.104 | Format: MPEG-4 | Resolution: 1920×1080

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